Monday, September 22, 2008

The French Revolution

1) Everyone was critical of the king, noble and clergy because life was easy for them. They didn't have to pay taxes and owned a lot of land.

2) The people would have complained about taxes and dues to the King. They had very little and had to give a lot.

3) This picture is saying that the peasants do all the work and lift the King and nobles and clergy up. They carry the burden of maintaining the feudal lords and clergy. The peasant is on the bottom and the other two are the Clergy and feudal lords. The quote means that the peasants hope that this abuse will end soon.

4) The lives of the french peasant were horrible. They had to work hard all the time to tend to the Kings needs. They had to give the 20kg of wheat and 3 chickens as feudal dues to one lord and even more to the kings tax collectors.

5) Yes it does explain why they resented the rich. The rich made more money and had less to do. The poor people had to give away stock and pay taxes with only $750-$200 a year. The rich made up to 50, 000 and hardly did anything. All the peasants money was going to them so the peasants were basically carrying the rich.

6) The peasants would be most influenced by his words because he was basically saying that they cant force you to do anything. One man cant force thousands of people to do anything.

7) I think that the pamphlet was banned because they knew that if the people saw this they would rebel. The rich and clergy wanted to ban it because they knew that the only reason they were so rich and had so much power was because of the peasant's.

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