Friday, September 5, 2008

Evolution Vs. Creation

For some time now the world has been debating about how humans have been created. some believe in Evolution and some believe
in Creation. Evolution involves people starting out as monkeys and
growing into the humans they are today. Creation involves God and him bringing us onto this earth.

Darwin's theory of evolution is based on ancestry. He believes that everyone has evolved from one ancestor. He beleived that once one species has sonthing, the more it grows and the more it evolves. Evolution means that we are always changing. As humans we always change; we grow taller, bigger or even smaller. Everyone changes even animals. 5,000 years from now we will probably all have wings and can breathe under water.

Creationism is a religios belief. It is a belief that evrything (the earth, people, universe, animals) were all ccreated by one God. Everyone belive different things on wheather it was one God or many Gods to create everything but basically there was one true God that did it. They say that God created everyone in the image of him. He sent his son Jesus Christ to come and Die on the cross for our sins since we all do it. There is a known fact that Jesus was real and was on earth but they stil dont belive that God is.

I believe in Creationism. I was brought up beliveing that God is real and created us. We hear about miracles and God changing peoples lifes in ways that cant be explained by science. I go to church every sunday and belive in everything i hear and read.

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