Friday, September 12, 2008

Copernius and the trial of Galileo

During the scientific revolution people believed in many different things. They didn't only argue about Evolution or Religion they argued about where the earth was and how it was formed and when the sun was and how it was formed.

Geocentrism was the belief that the earth was in the center of the universe and everything revolved around it. This theory was common in ancient Greece and this theory also came first. People believed that this was true because the sun, moon and stars will always come and go at different times and it felt like the earth stood still. The geocentric system was relaced by the heliocentric system which stated that the sun was in the middle of the earth and everything revolved around it.

People also believed in Heliocentrism. Heliocentrism is the belief that the sun is in the center of the universe. Copernicus was the first to actually prove this theory in depth.Many cosmetologist speculated about the fact that the earth revolves around the sun. But Copernicus was the fisrt to create a detailed heliocentric system and later on in the years Kepler and Galileo expanded on it and defended his facts. This Theory came out of the scientific revolution.

The trial of Galileo was a very famous trial. He was sentenced to life in Prison by the catholics for what he believed in. He believed in Copernicus planetary system. The catholics on the other hand believed in the geocentric planet system. Later the catholics admitted they were wrong in their judgment against Galileo.

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