Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Robespierre and The Reign of Terror

The reign of terror happened after the French Revolution. It was a period of violence and death for 15 months ( September 5 1793 - July 28 1794). It happened because of a rivalry of politics and 16,000 to 40,000 people died during this period. They used a tool called a guillotine to kill people. The executions happened because the leaders of the reign of terror period used dictator like power to instigate mass executions.

Robespierre was a leader in the Reign of Terror. No one in the government was trusted so everyone was in danger of being sent of the guillotine. He took full control of this reign and he tried to wipe out all of the monarchy leaders. Even the faces on cards, kings, queens and jacks were removed and then replaced with revolutionary faces. Robespierre went mad with power so they created a conspiracy against him and arrested him. They cut off Robespierre head and then appointed a new young leader named Napoleon Bonaparte.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The French Revolution

1) Everyone was critical of the king, noble and clergy because life was easy for them. They didn't have to pay taxes and owned a lot of land.

2) The people would have complained about taxes and dues to the King. They had very little and had to give a lot.

3) This picture is saying that the peasants do all the work and lift the King and nobles and clergy up. They carry the burden of maintaining the feudal lords and clergy. The peasant is on the bottom and the other two are the Clergy and feudal lords. The quote means that the peasants hope that this abuse will end soon.

4) The lives of the french peasant were horrible. They had to work hard all the time to tend to the Kings needs. They had to give the 20kg of wheat and 3 chickens as feudal dues to one lord and even more to the kings tax collectors.

5) Yes it does explain why they resented the rich. The rich made more money and had less to do. The poor people had to give away stock and pay taxes with only $750-$200 a year. The rich made up to 50, 000 and hardly did anything. All the peasants money was going to them so the peasants were basically carrying the rich.

6) The peasants would be most influenced by his words because he was basically saying that they cant force you to do anything. One man cant force thousands of people to do anything.

7) I think that the pamphlet was banned because they knew that if the people saw this they would rebel. The rich and clergy wanted to ban it because they knew that the only reason they were so rich and had so much power was because of the peasant's.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

John Locke and "The Enlightenment"

According to the declaration of independence, we are all equal. I think the right that Jefferson is talking about is that we have the right to speak. Every one's voice should be heard. I think the government get its power from the people. We decide who runs for office and what happens in our world today. "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed", this quote means that they derive there power from the people. We are the people being governed. Jefferson got all of his idea from John Locke who instituted the basic idea of democracy.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Copernius and the trial of Galileo

During the scientific revolution people believed in many different things. They didn't only argue about Evolution or Religion they argued about where the earth was and how it was formed and when the sun was and how it was formed.

Geocentrism was the belief that the earth was in the center of the universe and everything revolved around it. This theory was common in ancient Greece and this theory also came first. People believed that this was true because the sun, moon and stars will always come and go at different times and it felt like the earth stood still. The geocentric system was relaced by the heliocentric system which stated that the sun was in the middle of the earth and everything revolved around it.

People also believed in Heliocentrism. Heliocentrism is the belief that the sun is in the center of the universe. Copernicus was the first to actually prove this theory in depth.Many cosmetologist speculated about the fact that the earth revolves around the sun. But Copernicus was the fisrt to create a detailed heliocentric system and later on in the years Kepler and Galileo expanded on it and defended his facts. This Theory came out of the scientific revolution.

The trial of Galileo was a very famous trial. He was sentenced to life in Prison by the catholics for what he believed in. He believed in Copernicus planetary system. The catholics on the other hand believed in the geocentric planet system. Later the catholics admitted they were wrong in their judgment against Galileo.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Scientific Revolution: The Scientific Method

The scientific Method is when you have a problem and you use steps to solve it. First you create Observations. You see something that is out of the ordinary or just plain down right weird and you come up with a Problem. A problem is what you get from all the information you gathered. Then you have to Analyze the data you have and then you get a Hypothesis. A hypothesis is a educated guess that you come up with based on the information you already know and the problem.

Now you have to test your hypothesis with an Experiment. An experiment is when you use tools and your knowledge to test your hypothesis and to solve your problem. Finally you come up with a Conclusion. A conclusion is what you get when you have finished your experiment, analyzed all the data you have and have found an answer to your problem.

I wanted to know why cetain soda's sank or floated to the bottom of a tub of water. I saw what was happening and i discovered a problem. The i came up with a hypothesis on why i think it happened based on the information i knew. Then i created an expirement and tested my hypothesis. Finally i analyzed my data and came up with a conclusion on why certain soda's sink to a bottom of a tub of water.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Evolution Vs. Creation

For some time now the world has been debating about how humans have been created. some believe in Evolution and some believe
in Creation. Evolution involves people starting out as monkeys and
growing into the humans they are today. Creation involves God and him bringing us onto this earth.

Darwin's theory of evolution is based on ancestry. He believes that everyone has evolved from one ancestor. He beleived that once one species has sonthing, the more it grows and the more it evolves. Evolution means that we are always changing. As humans we always change; we grow taller, bigger or even smaller. Everyone changes even animals. 5,000 years from now we will probably all have wings and can breathe under water.

Creationism is a religios belief. It is a belief that evrything (the earth, people, universe, animals) were all ccreated by one God. Everyone belive different things on wheather it was one God or many Gods to create everything but basically there was one true God that did it. They say that God created everyone in the image of him. He sent his son Jesus Christ to come and Die on the cross for our sins since we all do it. There is a known fact that Jesus was real and was on earth but they stil dont belive that God is.

I believe in Creationism. I was brought up beliveing that God is real and created us. We hear about miracles and God changing peoples lifes in ways that cant be explained by science. I go to church every sunday and belive in everything i hear and read.