Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Causes of WW I

There were many causes for WWI. One major cause was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. A Siberian assassin shot him in the neck and his wife in the back. Austria Hungary declared war on them for doing this. This is how alliances started. Germany and Italy helped Austria Hungary in the war, while Britain, France and Russia helped Serbia. Italy and Russia dropped out of the war. America later joined the war to help Britain, France and Serbia because the Russian's were sinking American passenger ships.

Another cause of the war was Nationalism. Each country in the war believed that they were better than the rest. They all had a sense of pride and believed that they should be victorious. Even on that Christmas when they stopped fighting they thought they were better than each other. They played soccer against each other and cheered their country on.

Another cause of the war was Militarism. Every country thought that their country had a better military. They fought long and hard to prove that.

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