Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Collapse of Communism

After WWII the USSR and the U.S. were the leading superpowers of the worlf. this caused them to compete in a race to see who was the better power. They never had any actually fighting but tried to out do each other. The U.S created a group called N.A.T.O and this group tried to stop communism from spreading. The USSR created a group called the warsaw pact. This group tried to stop capitolism from spreading.

The USSR could not keep up with the U.S. Their economy soon collapsed and so did communism. When the USSR collapsed the communist countries that supported them also collapsed. Their main source of money from the USSR was now gone so they had no choice but to change the way their economy was run.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

In Africa, segregation was a big problem. In South America the government there used a policy of apartheid. Apartheid was segregation. This was to stop the majority of people (non-white) from voting and having a say in their country. Southern Africa was lead by Nelson Mandela and others in their fight for a freedom. Nelson Mandela is considered a National Hero, not because he had freed his country of South Africa but rather because he did not give up.Nothing could stop them from gaining their freedom because their will was too strong. He was of big importance to the people of South America and was elected President in South Africa's first free election in 1994.

Monday, May 4, 2009

African Independence

A huge reason that African began to gain its independence is because the Europeans had to much to handle. They would have to handle Africa and Even more countries as well as their own. Especially after WWII hit. They were in economical trouble and had to worry about themselves. Another reason that they gained their Independence was because they slowly began to modernize and the people of Africa slowly began to become smarter. The African many learned many American cultures and went to schools and studied hard. Most Africans defended freedom for Europe in WWII and they demanded the same for them when they went back to their colonies!