Thursday, March 26, 2009

Film Lesson: Schindler's List

Schindler's list portrayed the Holocaust in a good way. It showed it as everyone following orders and not having a problem with what they had to do. One scene in schindler's list that I will remember is the burning of the bodies scene. People saw ashes falling from the sky but they did know what it was. It was the ashes of dead burning bodies. They were shutting down the camp and had to remove all the evidence so they burnt all the dead bodies and moved them to another camp.

Another scene that will stay with me forever is the Moving the jews out of the Ghetto. It was a brutal and violent process. They killed everyone who was still there after they moved. Another scene that will stay with me is the scene where Schindler saved the children of his workers. I thought it was very noble and brave.

Film Lesson: Night and Fog

The film Night and Fog was very grusome. It showed real scenes from the Holocaust from the carrying of dead bodies to dead bodies being stacked up. It showed us the gas chambers and how people would scratch the waslls and try to get out. Schindler's List was not as grusome as the documentary. It showed some true and hard to watch parts but it was not as bad. I found the film very effective. Both movies portrayed the Holocaust effectivly. The hollywood version had more scenes but the documentary was more real.