Thursday, February 26, 2009

Film Lesson - "Gandhi"

Gandhi was a very influential man. He led India to their independence. He used non violence and passive resistance. That means you can resist something without laying harm or violence to anyone or anything. He thought fighting would get you no where and did everything without violence. He would rather get beat, hit and bruised to prove his point instead of violence.

When his own people used violence he fasted. He did not eat anything until they stopped. All he did was sip water. I think India's independence was all about Gandhi. He was the one to act first. He did not like the way his people was being treated and he put a stop to that. All the other revolutions that were happening at the time may have influenced them to revolt. But Gandhi was still the first person to take the initiative.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Treaty of Versailles (ended WW I)

World War One ended with the treaty of Versailles. The treaty of versailles was an unfair treaty. It really attacked germany. It hurt their economy badly. They even lost 12% of their Population. They also lost their land over seas. They had to pay compensation to the winning side of the war. The german economy was unable to recover itself.

The treaty of versailles led Germany into a recession and this led to Facism and the rise of hitler. They had no idea Hitler was as crazy as he was. They saw a man who could lead their country out of the situation they were in. I think that historians say that WW2 started because Germany wanted revenge. They were upset that they took out everything on them even though they didnt start the war.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) and the Modernization

The Ottoman Empire was a huge empire. But like all empires this one came to an end. It ended after world war 1 and their power was divided into many parts. One of these parts was turkey. Mustafa Kemal modernized turkey in a major way. 

He made them remove anything that didnt make them fit in. He made a law that they could not wear a "Fez" which was a tall hat with no brim. He made sure that everything was seperate. An example would be religion. He made sure religion strictly dealed with religion and didn't interfair with government things.